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Welcome! You're going to have fun with this one! If you're here after watching Extreme Couponing on TLC prepare to be a slightly different way. Most of what you see on the show, is well.....a show. Its a dramatization of what we couponers do every day, just in an extreme way. Those 100 bottles of mustard? Probably not realistic. I wouldn't want all that in my garage! How does five bottles of mustard sound? Better right? On this site we try to practice what I call the 3 R's of couponing:


We say realistic meaning, you don't have to or need to buy/clip/collect 100 coupons then spend 9 hours preparing and shopping for items. This can fit into your schedule in a realistic way.

We say reasonable because we coupon within reason. "Within reason" is very different for different people. For some, having a family of 10, reasonable might been 50 bottles of BBQ sauce. For a family of 2, five bottles might suffice. Everyone's definition will vary and you must decide this for yourself. You will learn what within reason means for your family and it might take buying too many to figure out how many you need.

We say responsible because, well, clearing a shelf of 100 bottles of mustard, and 400 cans of cat food is not really responsible, socially. If you really need that many (and who does?) there are many ways of acquiring that many without taking away from your friends and neighbors, and fellow couponers!

Come check out the rest of the tabs above to find out more, and figure out how "this whole thing" works!!