Welcome! We practice Extreme 'ly' realistic couponing here! While the TLC show Extreme Couponing may be exciting, it takes a TON of work to get to that one 90% savings transaction. Here, we show you how to Extreme 'ly' realistically coupon daily to get great savings, and yes, maybe that coveted 90% savings transactions!
First off.....lets talk about those 90-100% savings that are shown on the show. What you don't see is that special exceptions are made for the 'talent' that is featured on the show. For example, (I don't know any of their names) but we'll say Sally went into Grocery Store "A" with her bunch of coupons and TLC cameras in tow. Grocery Store "A" only 'usually' allows 3 double coupons per transaction. But, to "save time" on camera, the store has allowed Sally to use unlimited double coupons. This creates the maximum savings you're seeing, and the maximum entertainment value for the show. Unfortunately, what this also does is set new couponers up for a bit of disappointment when A. They can only use 3 doublers and B. They cannot get 90-100% savings. This is a great letdown to most new couponers (and some old ones). It creates a very unreal expectation when you head out to the store. It also creates a lot of lost preparation time and headache when you prepare your 90-100% savings transactions, because you are trying to duplicate what you saw, but without the "special rules".
There it is!! Sorry ladies and gentleman, the magic of TV has led you astray, and its totally not your fault! You can get 90-100% savings, but in a different way than what you see.
In the next few pages, I will tell you how to get those savings, Extreme 'ly' Realistically, Responsibly, and Reasonably (my 3 R's of couponing;). I will show you how to get that coveted 90% savings, and keep your cool while doing it. No fraud, no obsession, no hoarding, no emotions required! Well----except happiness, that is required!