Hi! My name is Tiffany and I am a busy mother of one smarty pants little 6 year old! I started couponing 3 years ago because I wanted to save money! I also had the crazy, crazy idea that I wanted only to buy local, give business to my small town, and not have to drive a half hour to get my best deals. I didn't think this was possible before couponing. While it was a slow going, rough road, I've come out on the other end having saved thousands of dollars on every day needs. And, the best part? I've been shopping locally for over two years now! I don't have to leave my lovely small town for my needs, because I can get it all within five miles of my home! I hope the information I provide here will help you on your journey. Whether it be to save money, to simply survive, to ease your mind, as a hobby, for donation purposes or any other reason you might have, I hope I can help you fulfill your desire to live better!
I'm also pretty sarcastic, sassy, plenty of nonsense, and a little silly at times, so if you don't mind me lightening the mood every now and again....have a little laugh too!